Special Stories

Mar 9, 2011 | Blog

Every year GBM is blessed by volunteers and donors who help us do the work we are committed to – the work of serving people, pursuing justice and building community. Each year a few special individuals and groups do something that speaks of the power of being partners in that work.
In 2010 we had a group of four youth from the Forest Park neighborhood of Birmingham raise $500 for school uniforms – money which helped us provide uniforms to several students whose families could not otherwise afford the required clothing. We also had a high school student from Ohio who came to Birmingham to visit friends during the summer and wanted to do something to help others.
He willingly came to GBM to help stock shelves in our food pantry and help sort clothing in our closet. We also had a college student from California decide to spend her required volunteer internship with GBM.
Each of these youth blessed GBM and the people we serve with their time and energy. A hearty thanks to them and to all who volunteered in 2010.