On the database, you can click on “Edit” then “Find,” just below the title “GBM Resource Library,” to search for a particular book or author. The “media” tab and the “books” tab are at the bottom of the screen.
The books are filed and sorted by the first three letters of the author’s surname. The category is listed on the database. We also have a few Spanish-language titles.
All items are donated. If you have books or other media that fall into the categories listed in the second paragraph, that you would like to donate, they can be put into the basket marked “donations” on the library desk. We are in the process of planning for more shelves so we can handle more titles. Currently, the books with the author’s surname of SO through Z are in the two large file drawers on the left side of the library desk. We hope to move these to new shelves soon.
We hope you make good use of the library. Enjoy!