Financial Assistance
Financial Assistance
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit low-income families the hardest, and we are getting more requests for assistance than ever. Every month, GBM can financially assist 16 families with their utility bills, medications, and housing costs. Financial assistance means keeping the power on for seniors who rely on home medical equipment, children attending school virtually, and many others. Utility assistance is also critically important for our clients in public housing; they are susceptible to eviction if they fall behind on any utility payments.
Our work on utility assistance doesn’t stop at paying bills. GBM has advocated for just utility policies in Alabama for over 40 years. Our direct engagement with clients keeps us connected in fighting utility shut-offs and pursuing fair billing practices.
Eligibility Requirements
- Those applying for assistance must call (205) 716-2168 at 9:00 am on the first Wednesday of the month, except July, December, and January. Please note: the phone line will not be available until 9:00. Only the first 16 people will receive a return call.
- Please leave the required information necessary for a callback.
- Appointments are made only on our appointment line above, and there are no guarantees.
- Due to limited resources, only 16 calls will be accepted per month.
- People who receive financial assistance must wait a full year before reapplying.
- Income cannot exceed $37,010 per year.
Get Involved
Each month, our direct services staff accepts applications for help with utility bills, medications, and housing costs. Your contribution can provide much-needed relief for neighbors forced to choose between food and keeping the lights on and those on the verge of homelessness.
Ways We Serve People
Click one of the links below to learn more.