A new book published by Greater Birmingham Ministries, Love Has No Borders, shares the voices of a wide range of Alabama’s faith leaders who stood up against an immigration law they believed to be divisive, discriminatory, inhumane, and inconsistent with the most fundamental tenets of their faith.
Love Has No Borders contains sermons, articles, blog posts, press releases and prayers along with deeply moving photographs of faith leaders and immigrant families working together to change hearts, minds and the law. Love Has No Borders captures the profound words of clergy along with striking images of immigrant and faith community leaders working together as mobilized to confront the crisis with faith, hope and no small amount of courage. A thoughtful study guide invites reflection on questions relevant to the lives of people of faith.
Love Has No Borders is the witness of faith leaders in Alabama: when we stood up, spoke out, marched with our immigrant neighbors, and defied man-made barriers that divided us, real change began to take place. People of faith in Alabama drew a new line in the sand, guided by their unshakeable belief that Love Has No Borders.
“This book is not just about what happened in Alabama in 2011. It is a very current must-read as Congress continues its heated debate on immigration reform,” said GBM Executive Director Scott Douglas. “The book is also not just about immigration. It is a must-read for people of faith anywhere struggling with potentially divisive social issues.”
It is no secret that congregations are often the institutions in society most resistant to change. It is no secret that clergy often fear taking stands on controversial issues. This compelling visual and written testimony invites and encourages its readers to take the risk of stepping out on faith and standing with ‘the least of these,’ experiencing for themselves the truth of these words, that truly Love Has No Borders.
“Love Has No Borders” may be purchased for $20 from Greater Birmingham Ministries at www.gbm.com. A 20% discount for orders of 10 or more books. It is also available from Amazon.com in paperback or Kindle.