Faith Leaders
To date, more than 12,000 Alabamians have lost their lives to COVID-19, and thousands more have become ill. To remember these individuals and their families, along with the healthcare workers who cared for them, Alabama’s hospitals are urging a moment of silence on Labor Day, Sept. 6, at 12:00 p.m.
We are hoping that you and your congregation might include a similar moment in your worship services this weekend. The pandemic has caused such devastation and heartbreak for so many Alabamians, and as the cases and hospitalizations continue to rise, we believe this to be very much needed.
Also, we have included some important messages that you might share with your congregation, either during the service or in a bulletin.
Important messages:
Alabama has the highest rate of positive tests in the country for COVID-19 and the lowest vaccination rate of any state. This has caused the number of cases and hospitalizations to rise dramatically in the last several weeks.
The COVID-19 vaccine is one of the safest and most highly effective vaccines ever developed and is the best tool for fighting this disease, so if you’ve been hesitant, talk with your physician about the importance of being protected.
Due to the increasing number of cases, we urge anyone who feels sick to get tested, and if you test positive, to ask your doctor about antibody therapy. The treatments are proving very effective at reducing the risk of severe illness and death if done within 10 days of the onset of symptoms.
Finally, if you feel sick or have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19, please worship at home for a while, and when you do worship with us, please consider wearing a mask to protect yourself and others.
Community Leaders:
To date, more than 12,000 Alabamians have lost their lives to COVID-19, and thousands more have become ill. As hospitalizations and the number of COVID cases continue to increase, we’re asking all Alabamians to join us on Labor Day, Sept. 6, at 12:00 p.m. in a moment of silence. Specifically, please remember those who have died, those who are currently fighting the disease, their families and the healthcare workers who are caring for all of us.
This disease has caused such devastation and heartbreak for so many Alabamians that we believe this is very much needed. We hope you’ll join us in the moment of silence wherever you are that day and that you’ll pass along this request to your friends, family and coworkers and encourage them to participate as well.
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